Over the weekend, I went to see Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. I was joined by Barney Stinson from the wonderful TV show, How I Met Your Mother, which can be seen on Mondays on CBS.
Barney Stinson
What uuuup? This is going to be legen-
Barney, I'm going to have to stop you right there. I have a little challenge for you. You can't say "awesome" or "legendary" for the rest of the show.
Barney Stinson
Can I finish the one I started?
Barney Stinson
Jesus, Kevin, you take me to a chick movie with no chicks at our side. What is that about? Bro Code Article 46: Under no circumstances-
Barney, I don't subscribe to the Bro Code.
Barney Stinson
Bro Code Article 47-
I thought it was 46.
Barney Stinson
It was. I was starting a new one. Bro Code Article 47: All men subscribe to the Bro Code and shall not interrupt fellow bro announcing any article of the Bro Code. As I was saying, Bro Code Article 46: Under no circumstances can a bro incapacitate another bro's vocabulary after that bro accompanies original bro to a stupid movie with no dates. Now where was I? Oh right. Dary!
Whatever. So you thought it was a stupid movie. I actually liked it a lot.
Barney Stinson
What could you have possibly liked about it? First of all, none of the characters wore suits. None of them. How are you supposed to be taken seriously in any endeavor if you don't dress seriously? You can't get a girl without a suit.
(smirks to himself)
That's why they call them suitors and not dirty-zip-up-hoodie-and-skinny-jeans-ers.
Barney raises his hand for a high five.
(shakes head)
You've done better.
Barney Stinson
(puts down hand)
Kevin, let's wrap this movie thing up. You liked it. I hated it. I can have us knee-deep in drunken college girls in ten minutes. We're right by Rutgers, right?
Barney, first off, it's two in the afternoon. Secondly, I'm married.
Barney Stinson
Aha! If you were serious about your marriage, you would have said that first. Now, here's the plan. We're grad students studying pharmacology. College babes love drugs, legal or otherwise.
Barney Stinson
How about residents at insert name of local hospital? I'll google it right now.
Barney Stinson
You, sir, are the worst wingman I have ever met. I'm leaving and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Thank you for being on the show.
Barney gets up and walks to the door. He stops awkwardly facing out of it.
Barney Stinson
(not facing Kevin)
Even if you came to your senses and said you would pretend to be my unnecessarily loud, financial adviser helping me figure out how to spend my newly inherited fortune due to the tragic death of my uncle who raised me from the time I was five because my parents had to go into hiding from the Russian mafia...
(breaking into fake tears)
...and they were not very good at hiding.
(back to no fake tears voice)
Not even then.
Fine, but you need a better story for the inheritance.
Barney Stinson
(turns around)
I knew I could count on you.
Let me just sign off. I want to thank my guest-
Barney Stinson
And best friend-
We're not best friends.
Barney Stinson
(laughs sarcastically)
Right, Kevbo.
Thanks to Barney Stinson for being on the show. We were split on Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. I felt it was a great story set to wonderful music. The acting was superb and there was real chemistry between Michael Cera and Kat Dennings. Barney felt otherwise.
Barney Stinson
It suuuuucked.
Tune in next time when our guest will be Dwight Schrute from The Office. Looking forward to that. Good night.